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Museum Positioning
A Living Railway Museum
A public space for meeting, interaction, and creativity
Railway networks bring people together for interactions and creativity. National Railway Museum translates these changes enabled by railway in life,and generates new opportunities for meeting, interaction, and creativity
A Living Railway Museum
Strategy and Goal
Museum Workshop
Heritage Revitalization: Museum Workshop for Knowledge Production
With dynamic experiences, the museum can present evolutions in the workshop, review historical railway technologies, and reflects on how technologies influence the society. In the process, we can generate knowledge and drive social progress in Taiwan.

Museum Village
Urban Revival: Honor Railway Heritage
The museum opens up a traditional workshop, reconnects with urban spaces, and creates a new urban flow. The workshop used to create a self-sufficient environment, with living, administrative, and leisure functions. Based on this railway heritage,National Railway Museum will integrate these assets into urban cultural activities. These old production structures can also merge into urban texture in Taipei.

Museum Terminal
Connect Taiwan and the World: Museum Facilitates Social Inclusion
TRW carries several types of trains and historical periods. Train stations embrace various kinds of passengers,coming with different purpose and leaving for different directions.

Just like a train station, National Railway Museum will stand at the intersection among people, knowledge,economy, culture, and innovation, and welcome local and international visitors to interpret railway knowledge with their own perspectives. These experiences will inspire values, reflections,and a new path to move the society forward.
Museum Terminal
Museum Framework
Research and Collection
Theme-based integrated studies
Explore various themes related to railway, such as science, culture, and history.Potential topics include sound, gender, ethnic groups, and time. Delve into multiple layers in railway,and accumulate a comprehensive knowledge database overtime.

Collection plan
Based on the museum collection development policy, the collection will include trains,track systems, and related engineering and technical objects, models, official documents,as well as tickets, posters, artworks and audiovisual works, books and literature.Along with machines,equipment and facilities on site, the collection can support researches,exhibition, and public services, and produce more knowledge.
Museum Framework

Exhibition and Education
Interpret railway culture in Taiwan with inherent legacies
Exhibit railway resources in social, cultural, and technological aspects in TRW spaces. These themes present railway memories in Taiwan, railway and contemporary life, railway life history and other content.
Exhibition and Education,Total 2

Operation and Maintenance
The museum will include train display, exhibition and operation. Regular maintenance, including track system and trains will also be included as exhibits.
Operation and Maintenance,Total 2

Public Services
Audience service
Through visitor surveys and visitor behavior studies, we can plan events and activities with diverse perspectives, and arrange various supports and accessible services. Museum works can also be improved based on service quality surveys and questionnaires.

Community cooperation
It includes local communities, interdisciplinary professional groups, and public dialogues. We also aim to establish connections and share resources with local and international institutions.

Marketing publishing
We have publication plans for documentaries, books, illustration, and annual reports.We will build up brand identity through social media and public relation efforts,and develop cultural and creative products.
Public Services

Spatial Plans
Environmental Regeneration
Retain TRW environmental context and features
Restoration: First and second class historic buildings, restore some basic operating conditions.
Preservation: Unique industrial and cultural heritage landscape in TRW

Cultural Representation
Represent key industrial culture elements in certain areas.
Representation: Exhibit historical traces and remains in TRW on site.
Resumption: Recover certain track and traverser functions.
Operation: Restore certain repair and maintenance functions

Museum Building
Adding museum functions and needs
Deployment: Create new values in historical sites with three main museum dimensions -Collection and Research, Exhibition and Education, and Public Service.
Museum Building

Museum Experiences
Museum service and educational spaces
Offer exhibition information, heritage restoration and tourist services.

Erecting Shop: Main exhibition hall
Erecting Shop, as the most attractive exhibition hall, will exhibit classic carriages.The old building will carry new exhibition functions.
Exhibits include carriages, machines, technical historical materials, cultural relics, models, guided tours and employee life environment.

Diesel-Electric Locomotive Shop : Train repair on site
Diesel-Electric Locomotive Shop will include locomotive repair and machine exhibition. Some areas will be reserved for relular maintenance. The technical knowledge and repair process are exhibited in public.
Internal Combustion Engine Shop and Paint shop will restore some functions, such painting and machine storage, in coordination with repair needs in the DieselElectric Locomotive Shop.

Taipei Railway Workshop on-site exhibition
Valuable machines, including steam hammers, steam boiler, and bathtub, still remain in Bathhouse,Power House and Forging Shop. On-site exhibitions reveal traces and history in TRW.
Some sections in each building are reserved for original context and culture.

Coach Shop: Theater for valuable trains
Except for pillars supporting the truss structure, the space is without partitions and suitable for train storage. The southern side in the space, along with Sheet Metal Shop and tracks, would become storage place for valuable carriages.Northern side of the Coach Shop will become railway theater. The performance will combine new media, innovative approaches and precious trains to tell cultural and historical railway stories to audience.Traverser demonstration informs visitors about technical knowledge.

Railway Technique Training Center and Open Learning Center
TRW Technician Apprentice School will adapt its original program and become railway technique training center for courses and workshops on railway technique.
Materials Laboratory will become Open Learning Center with child-friendly simulation experiences.
Mini trains and other child-friendly facilities will run in gardens.

Resumption: Museum train rides
Based on existing tracks, we suggest to reconnect lines and recover platforms for future operations Rebuild the eastward central line from West Dormitory to offer train ride experiences. Trains can return to Diesel-Electric Locomotive Shop for maintenance if needed.

Built for communities
In the short-term, workshop buildings near Dongxing Road could be used for community and cultural programs, such as event space, tourist information center, railway bookstore, railway community space and railway-themed restaurant.
In the long-term, the area will be available for other purposes in National Railway Museum.

Open space for citizens
Outdoor canopy and tracks can be used as open space to wander, and take photos of carriages.
Passenger cars can be transformed into dining cars as a special experience.